Rotary Club of Stockton & Stockton Rotary Endowment
Charity Allocations

Deadline For Submission – September 15th Each Year

The Stockton Rotary Endowment (SRE) was incorporated on March 3, 1982 on behalf of the Rotary Club of Stockton for the express purpose of receiving charitable gifts, donations and bequests, to fund annually designated charitable activities within the San Joaquin County area. The club solicits requests for funds for projects of deserving local charitable organizations each year.  Below is a list of allocations for the current year that are available.

The Stockton Rotary Endowment General Application Conditions

  1. Charitable organizations submitting proposals must be an IRS 501c3 or 501c4 organization and be located in San Joaquin County.
  2. Public and Parochial School entities (K-12) submitting applications must be located within the city of Stockton, California. For the purposes of application all schools within the Stockton Unified School District and Lincoln Unified School District are considered to be within the City of Stockton.
  3. Proposals may be submitted for any dollar amount up to the component funds availability amount.
  4. Proposals containing personnel, personnel benefits, general operating expense or direct or indirect administrative costs are respectively declined.
  5. Proposal application period deadline is September 15th each year. Proposals or requests received after this deadline will not be considered until the following year.
  6. Please note the specific restrictions noted in the various endowment components below.

General Charity Fund

Lange Family Fund

Patmon Family Memorial Fund

Woodward-Clark Library Fund

Barbara E. Richards Raven Fund

The General Charity Fund was established in 1982 and designed to fund charitable activities within San Joaquin County.

The Endowment General Application Conditions apply.

The Lange Family Health, Hunger and Clothing Fund was established in 1996 to provide funds to local charitable agencies who provide medical care, food and clothing to needy persons within San Joaquin County.

In addition to the Endowment General Application Conditions, grants are restricted to the purchase of medicine, medical supplies, immunization inoculations, food products, milk products, clothing and blankets to assist needy individuals residing in San Joaquin County.

The Patmon Family Memorial Fund was established in 1997 to provide for the physical, emotional, and educational needs of homeless children residing within San Joaquin County, without regard to race or religious affiliation.

In addition to the Endowment General Application Conditions, grants are restricted to a non-tax supported organization that meets the physical, emotional, and educational needs for homeless children residing in San Joaquin County.

The Woodward-Clark Rotary Library Fund was established in 2004 in honor of long-time Rotary Club of Stockton Secretary Jim Woodward and his wife Axzine, and in memory of Philip and Elizabeth Clark.  The purpose of the Library Funds for the purchase of children’s library books in public and not-for-profit private schools and libraries of San Joaquin County, for grades K-6.

In addition to the Endowment General Application Conditions, grants are restricted to assisting public and private (not-for profit) elementary schools and libraries within San Joaquin County for the acquisition of library books and/or other reading resource material that may materially enhance the reading skills of children from the kindergarten through sixth grade level

In addition to the Endowment General Application Conditions, direct grants are restricted for the direct care of animals through the Delta Humane Society in Stockton, California, as long as they are in operation and if not, then said funds shall be utilized for the benefit of another no-kill animal shelter in San Joaquin County